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UNA-Canada's Press Statement on the Russo-Ukranian War

Earlier this week, the UN Security Council held an emergency meeting to discuss the evolving situation in Ukraine. One of the most powerful voices among a room of giants. The Kenyan Ambassador, Martin Kimani, reflected, ‘At independence, had we chosen to pursue states on the basis of ethnic, racial or religious homogeneity, we would still be waging bloody wars these many decades later.’ ‘We chose to follow the rules of the Organization of African Unity and the United Nations Charter. Not because our borders satisfied us, but because we wanted something greater, forged in peace.’

While the world may focus on economics, trade and financial flows to correct and regulate the situation in Ukraine, Ambassador Kimani reminds us, through his platform on the Security Council, that unless a nation chooses to turn away from the ravages of war, unless a nation chooses to forge their future in peace, war can be delayed or diverted, but never eliminated as a threat.

The United Nations Association in Canada is working in Ukraine. Through our International Internship Programme for Students (IIPS) and our international Youth Internship Programme (IYIP), we have three Junior Professional Consultants engaged with the International Organization for Migration (IOM) - Mission in Ukraine.

First let me reassure you that all interns are safe. Thankfully due to COVID restrictions they are working remotely and are continuing to pursue their deliverables even in the face of escalating challenges.

Globally, the IOM is the UN agency mandated to promote humane and orderly migration for the benefit of all. This includes assisting in the search for practical solutions to migration challenges and providing humanitarian assistance to migrants in need, including refugees and internally displaced people.

With the onset of the conflict, the work of IOM Ukraine will expand significantly. In addition to delivering existing programming under increasingly challenging circumstances, IOM Ukraine will be on the frontline of a migrant crisis expected to directly impact over 5 million Ukrainians.

UNA-Canada pledges our support for IOM Ukraine and the people of Ukraine. Our interns will continue their important work and we will mobilize additional Canadian technical assistance and support by expanding our current programming. We echo the words of UN Secretary General, António Guterres who stated, ‘The use of force by one country against another is the repudiation of the principles that every country has committed to uphold…It is wrong. It is against the (UN) Charter. It is unacceptable.’

We also support IOM Ukraine in mobilizing financial resources to respond to the needs of the anticipated internally displaced population and migrants.

We are already in touch with our IOM Ukraine partners on the ground. If you wish to help us, please reach out today through or


Jaime Webbe, President & CEO, UNA-Canada


About the United Nations Association in Canada

UNA-Canada is an historic national civil society organization and registered charity with the mandate to educate and engage citizens on the work of the United Nations and global issues that affect us all. In summary, we grow Global Citizens. As the leading policy voice on multilateralism in Canada, our work is framed by the 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the UN to guide the international community until 2030.

UNA-Canada’s programmes celebrate diversity, empathy-based learning and solution-seeking opportunities on shared challenges. UNA-Canada has a country-wide network of volunteer-based Branches and innovative signature programming dedicated to promoting constructive participation in the United Nations and elevating the principles of the UN Charter.

About Jaime Webbe (President & CEO of the United Nations Association in Canada)

Jaime Webbe brings to UNA-Canada, more than two decades of experience delivering innovative solutions in sustainability around the world. In senior roles with the United Nations and World Bank, among others, she has a proven track record of successfully transitioning concepts, approaches and technologies from evidence-based options to international best practices.

Jaime’s experience ranges from nature-based climate solutions and biodiversity conservation, to mobilizing climate finance and engaging the education sector in delivery of the Sustainable Development Goals. As an officer with the United Nations biodiversity and climate change conventions, she gained extensive experience shepherding international policy dialogues integrating the perspectives of multiple stakeholders including youth, Indigenous Peoples and local communities.


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