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Exploring Transformational Governance at the United Nations

By Tinika R. Sampson

Disclaimer: The views are those of the author's alone and do not represent the views of UNA-Canada.

Image 1: JPC Tinika R. Sampson

My name is Tinika R. Sampson, and I am a Junior Professional Consultant (JPC) with the UNDP Rwanda for Gender Equality in the Transformational Governance Unit. I received my Post-graduate in Government Relations. I also hold an Honours Bachelor of Social Sciences with a Specialization in International Development and Globalization along with a minor in Political Science from the University of Ottawa. As I continue to expand my academic and professional career, I am excited to embark on this unique opportunity to utilize my years of study and work experience in policy development and political advocacy.

The UNDP shares my passion to continue working to eliminate gender-based violence. This opportunity has inspired me as well to learn more about theoretical applications that are utilized in developing pragmatic policies that reform systemic barriers through an anti-oppressive, transformative, and intersectional feminist framework.

Throughout my academic career, I have been privileged to have achieved two International Placements abroad in Haiti and Uganda. The internship included working with young girls and women and developing international projects that assisted in their social development. My experience working abroad has shaped my global perspective and my academic and professional career. The knowledge that I have gained over the years has offered strategic knowledge on political advocacy, governance, maintaining stakeholder relations, development planning & policy, and awareness campaigns.

Image 2: JPC Tinika R. Sampson home office

Working for the UNDP will be pivotal to my development and understanding of policymaking at the global level. This internship will truly be one of the most enriching experiences of my life and further my career development for the future. My goal throughout my internship is to explore the idea of how intersectionality and international feminism correlate with improving Human Rights and reducing poverty and inequality. Gain an insight into how to collaboratively work with the government in implementing a whole-of-government approach, which promotes gender equality and reduces violence against women and girls.

I am excited to learn from my supervisors as the experts in policy advocacy, development, and implementation, I am excited to learn how to collaboratively work with multilateral organizations, and I am truly excited to learn about governments that are committed to sustainable development goals.

I am grateful to UNA-Canada’s IDDIP program for connecting me with my internship with UNDP Rwanda. I look forward to the lessons that I will learn alongside my supervisors who I know will continue to inspire, guide, and coach me during this intensive and rewarding journey.


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