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Youth Global Citizen Prize 2020



Youth Global Citizen Prize



New Deadline: Midnight July 17th, 2020Accepting submissions from: Canadian citizens, Permanent Residents of Canada, International Students or Refugees in Canada, between ages 18-30​

Calling all Young Canadians!

Share with us: What makes a Global Citizen for you?

The United Nations Association in Canada is proud to announce its first call for submissions for the Youth Global Citizen Prize. An annual prize with a $2 000 award will commemorate the legacy of four extraordinary Young Global Citizens, representing the best of Canadian youth, who were among those we lost en route to the UN Environment Assembly 2019 March 10.

What makes a global citizen to you?

UNA-Canada is accepting submissions from young Canadians for this new Prize. We are looking to recognize thoughtful, innovative and creative submissions as you seek to understand and engage on shared global issues. Initiatives can cover the spectrum of creative methods. Tell or show us your answer. The only rules?

  • You must be Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents of Canada, between 18 and 30.

  • You must submit your ‘answer’ to UNA-Canada by midnight 2020 June 26 (the date the United Nations Charter was signed 75 years ago!)

  • Your submission can be an 800 word essay, a poem, a piece of art, a song, a dance (video) or other format of choice.

  • Your submission will become the property of UNA-Canada to display or share, with credit to you, of course

  • All works submitted must be original and must belong to the owner/creator who is submitting.

For more information and to access the submission form visit:

UNA-Canada honours staffer and delegation head Stéphanie Lacroix, with delegates Micah Messant, Danielle Moore and Angela Rehhorn – all fine young Canadians, who shared the excitement and optimism of working to improve our world by making their lives serve as an inspiration to their peers. These luminous people were compassionate leaders, dedicated to the conviction that they could build a better future for our country and the global community. They knew they could make the world a little better through their actions. They set an example! These remarkable and courageous young Canadians will be forever remembered.

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