Nancy Meek Pocock
Nancy Meek Pocock has been named the recipient of the 1987 Pearson Peace Medal. The United Nations Association in Canada honours in Lester B. Pearson’s name, Canadians who have made an outstanding contribution to international understanding and cooperation.
Nancy Pocock has been actively involved in the promotion of disarmament, development and the status of women. She has devoted her life to helping the victims of war and has been at the forefront of the peace movement in Canada.
She has been connected with the initiation and development of numerous peace organizations such as Project Ploughshares, Voice of Women, CUSO, and sat on the board of Fraternité Vietnam (Québec Branch) as well as being an Executive Member of the Inter-Church Committee for Refugees. Mrs. Pocock also serves as Moderator of the Commission on World Concerns of the Canadian council of Churches.
In an article of the UNAC Bulletin of December 1987, she writes: “the most interesting and exciting people are in the Peace Movement and it is a privilege to have experienced the dedication and caring of all these people.”