Escott Reid
At an official ceremony held on December 8 at Rideau Hall, His Excellency the Right Honourable Ramon John Hnatyshyn, Governor General of Canada, presented the 1993 Pearson Peace Medal to Escott Reid, in the presence of about 100 friends and dignitaries.
Born in Campbellford, Ontario, Mr. Reid, who now lives in the Ottawa area, enjoyed a long and distinguished career as a Canadian public servant with the Department of External Affairs.
He served as a diplomat (High Commissioner to India, 1952-57, and Ambassador to Germany 1958-62), a high-level international civil servant with the World Bank (1962-65), and is the author of many books. He is one of the few surviving members of the Canadian delegation to the founding conference of the United Nations in San Francisco in 1945, at which he played a key role.
UNA-Canada awards the Pearson Medal annually to a Canadian who has personally contributed to those humanitarian causes to which Lester B. Pearson devoted his distinguished career.
Mr. Reid passed away in 1999.