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Flora MacDonald

A woman whose lifetime of dedicated service places her in the front line of Canadians who have distinguished themselves in fostering international understanding and development – is the 21st recipient of the Pearson Peace Medal. The Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson, Governor General of Canada, made the medal presentation in her capacity as Patron of the United Nations Association in Canada on Friday, 24 March 2000 at Rideau Hall.

Ms. MacDonald has earned an enviable national and international reputation among friends and colleagues during a lifetime of service and activism. All her adult life, both during her years as an active politician and since her retirement into the world of non-governmental institutions, she has championed and promoted dozens of causes in support of the betterment of the human family. She adopts a hands-on, vigorous and deeply engaged stance in support of the causes she champions. To pick up on only a few of those passions, the plight of refugees has informed much of her work for several decades; initiatives in support of equal rights and justice have been at the root of much of her work; and the pursuit of peaceful change through international institutions has been a long-standing goal. She brings deep conviction and ideological commitment to all she does, while remaining eminently practical and politically astute.

Raised in Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia, Ms. MacDonald now lives in Ottawa. At an age when many are content to lead a more relaxed life, she continues to devote her extraordinary energy and knowledge in support of a wide range of non-governmental organizations and institutions through which she can contribute in tangible and meaningful ways to endeavours to enhance the lives and circumstances of people around the world. As one of her nominators said Canada, Canadians and the world community have benefited and continue to benefit from Flora MacDonald’s work, her thoroughly international outlook, her strong patriotism, her experience and expertise, and above all, her willingness to share her knowledge and experience widely. She is indefatigable in her commitment to internationalism.

Flora MacDonald
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