Dr. Hanna Newcombe
Co-founder with her late husband of the Peace Research Institute of Dundas, Ontario and life-long peace activist and community development worker, was the 19th recipient of the Pearson Peace Medal. Mr. Geoffrey Pearson, National Vice-President of the United Nations Association in Canada (UNA-Canada), distinguished former diplomat and son of Lester B. Pearson, presented the award to Dr. Newcombe at a ceremony held at Hamilton City Hall on December 10, International Human Rights Day.
Dr. Newcombe’s lifetime dedication to peace research and education, her lengthy list of publications, her commitment to equal rights and justice for all humanity, and to peaceful change through international law, make her a worthy recipient of the award. She has constantly combined a commitment to world peace, with keen activism for social justice in her local community.
At 75 years of age Dr. Newcombe continues to edit both the Peace Research Abstracts Journal and Peace Research Reviews. She also takes an active part in both local and international conferences, and shares her insights with students of all levels of the educational spectrum. She has held executive positions in many organizations dealing with human and social rights, world governance, and peace and justice issues.