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UNA-Canada strongly endorses Canada’s Campaign for a Seat on the UN Security Council

The United Nations Association in Canada (UNA-Canada) Board and 30 000 members is proud to support Canada’s disciplined and thoughtful campaign for a seat on the UN Security Council, with the election June 17th.

UNA-Canada is an independent civil society organization. Its 75 year long history of engaged and engaging Canadians on the work of the United Nations and global issues that affect us all.shows that it was not just Canada's government of the day in 1945 which was a founding member of the United Nations, but the peoples they represented from across political and ideological lines. The 'peoples' understood the deep value of a place where 193 countries send their best diplomats to forward common goals.

Speaking on Canada’s candidacy, UNA-Canada‘s President & CEO, Kathryn White, notes “Canada, with its larger resources, historic support of the UN, with its diversity and citizens representing all 193 of the United Nations, has and will bring its experiences of grappling with vexing and divisive issues at home to the Council dialogues. We believe that this is one of the assets – of humility – that Canada can bring to the world’s table and the UN Security Council’s table.”

When Canada holds one of the important 10 elected seats on the Security Council, UNA-Canada and other civil society organisations have a powerful opportunity to press our government to keep the inequities in the world on the forefront of its agenda. That is critical at a time when the massive social, economic and health impacts of a global health pandemic and a pandemic of systemic racism demand attention outward as well as inward.

As a leading policy voice on multilateralism in Canada, UNA-Canada’s work is framed by the 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the UN to guide the international community until 2030.

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For more information, please contact:

Public Information Officer

Joan Broughton

613-232-5751 Ext. 230

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